Caught in the Act
Here, you’ll trip over the tales of Dover’s sneakiest, cheekiest, and sometimes clumsiest wrongdoers. These stories are a chaotic waltz through the misadventures and blunders that pepper Dover’s otherwise upstanding history.
A Rough Customer.
Before the Mayor (Mr W. Emden) and other Magistrates at the Dover Police Court on Monday George Truman labourer was charged with being drunk and committing a nuisance in Maison Dieu Place…
Destructive Casual
William Harvey was charged with wilfully destroying his clothes at the Dover Union. Arthur Frazer the porter of the Dover Union said the prisoner was admitted to the casual ward on Thursday…
A Foolish Theft.
James David Beatty was charged at the Police Court on Monday with stealing one bushel of onions value 4/7 from a cart in the Market Square. James Morris Laslett a market gardener…
Infringement Of Poor Law Regulations
Stephen Wilson an inmate of the Dover Union was charged with neglecting to certain work allotted to him at the Dover Union. Arthur Frazer porter at the Dover Union said the prisoner…
Beaten With Fried Potatoes.
At Dover Police Court on Friday before the Mayor (Mr Walter Emden) in the Chair, Mr J. L. Bradley and Mr F. W. Prescott, John David Beatty labourer, of Adrian Street was…
Begging Nuisance.
Yesterday (Thursday) Walter (Hoppy) Martin who had been in trouble on several occasions was charged again at the Dover Police Court with begging in Dieu Stone Lane. P.C. Taylor deposed to seeing…
Suspicious Possession
John Griffiths a young man of vagrant appearance was charged with having in his possession a large plaid shawl without being able to give a satisfactory account of the same. It appeared…
Street Brawl
Johan Arhreus and Gustave Hayan a couple of German sailors and William Henry Tregurtha an English seaman were brought up by Police Constable Faith on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct…
Traveller’s Missing Bag.
At the Dover Police Court on Thursday before the Mayor (Mr W. Emden ) and Messrs. Hills and H. F. Edwin. Richard Tewkesbury of no fixed abode was charged on remand with…
Pitch and Toss
William Robins, Edward Wellard and Herbert Barton three lads charged with playing pitch and toss in Bowling Green lane on Sunday last were admonished and dismissed on paying the costs. Pitch and…
Sent to Gaol.
At Dover Police Court on Friday, Emily Jane Johnson was charged with indecent conduct in Slip Passage on Monday 3rd inst. P.C. Fagg proved the case. Defendant did not appear and the…
A jury presided over by Mr. Skudmore the vetting Under Sheriff for the County of Kent assembled on Wednesday afternoon at the Victoria Hotel Dover to asses the damages in an action…
Excise Information – Heavy Penalty
Robert Head the landlord of the Burlington Inn was charged with an infringement of the Customs Act by selling Cavendish tobacco that had neither been warehoused by the customs nor provided by…
A Bad Start.
At the Dover Police Court on Friday before the Mayor (in the chair) Mr F. G. Wright Mr J. W. Bussey and Mr E. Chitty. William Edward Dobson, 4 Churchill Street a…
Un-Lady Like Conduct
Mary Skinning a young lady in a hat and feathers and a cloud was summoned for assaulting Mary Ann Scott. The complainant said she lived in Oxenden Street. On Friday afternoon she…
Drunk in Charge.
At Dover Police Court on Wednesday Richard Beecham was charged with being drunk while in charge of a pony and cart in Bridge Street. P.C. Cadman gave evidence to the effect that…
The Contagious Diseases Act
The case of Mary Ann Whiting the prostitute summoned to show cause why she should not submit to examination under the Contagious Act (diseases) was resumed but neither the defendant nor any…
Started Early
Man and Woman drunk at 6.30 a.m. Mary Ann Young and George Frederick Hobbs were charged at the Police Court on Tuesday with being drunk and obstructing the footway in Beach Street….
Wanted to Fight.
At the Dover Police Court on Monday Edward Jordon labourer of 6 Clarendon Place was charged with being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language on New Bridge. P.C. Booth said at…
Stealing a Skylark
Thomas Munn a boy fifteen years of age and belonging to Buckland was charged with stealing a skylark value 15s the property of James West of 1 Brookfield Cottages Buckland. Sarah West…
Stealing Bacon
Mary Pilcher was charged with stealing a piece of bacon to the value 2s 6d from the shop of Mr Rubie of Biggin Street. Police Sergeant Barton said he was sent for…
John Foy a hoary headed mendicant who had been charged before the Magistrates a week before with begging was brought up by the officer of the Mendacity Society charged with a like…
Assaulting the Police.
Messrs P. W. J. Mackenzie (in the chair) and W. Bradley. George Jarrett a hawker of no fixed abode was charged with being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language in Adrian…
Interrupting A Performance
Leonard George a young man of good address who bowed politely to the magistrates on being placed in the dock was charged with being drunk and disorderly at the Apollonian Hall and…
Refractory Unfortunate
Kate Murray an unfortunate was brought up in custody of Police Constable Hooper of the Metropolitan Police for having conducted herself in a disorderly manner and broken several panes of glass at…