Un-Lady Like Conduct

Mary Skinning a young lady in a hat and feathers and a cloud was summoned for assaulting Mary Ann Scott. The complainant said she lived in Oxenden Street. On Friday afternoon she went into the Pimlico Tavern to refresh herself with a pint of beer. Whilst there the defendant quarrelled with another girl and witness…


John Foy a hoary headed mendicant who had been charged before the Magistrates a week before with begging was brought up by the officer of the Mendacity Society charged with a like offence on the previous day. It appeared that the prisoner when last before their worships had been let of promising to quit the…

Excise Information – Heavy Penalty

Robert Head the landlord of the Burlington Inn was charged with an infringement of the Customs Act by selling Cavendish tobacco that had neither been warehoused by the customs nor provided by the customs with the necessary customs wrapper. Mr Fox for the defendant admitted the charge and the penalty were reduced to one fourth…

Interrupting A Performance

Leonard George a young man of good address who bowed politely to the magistrates on being placed in the dock was charged with being drunk and disorderly at the Apollonian Hall and interrupting the performance of the Christy Minstrels on the previous evening. It appeared that the defendant was a member of the troupe who…

The Contagious Diseases Act

The case of Mary Ann Whiting the prostitute summoned to show cause why she should not submit to examination under the Contagious Act (diseases) was resumed but neither the defendant nor any person on her behalf was in attendance. Evidence was given to show that although the defendant did not attend on the day when…