The Weed Magnet

The term “weed” is no longer socially acceptable. One should not use it anymore. Eco-fanatics only speak of wild herbs as opposed to cultivated herbs. I can’t quite get on board with that. If the potato peel, which I threw onto the compost heap in good faith for it to decompose, suddenly sprouts cheerfully among…

Plastic Bags

In the bay near old fisherman Serafin, a bit west of the southernmost tip of Gran Canaria, it was there that I met a woman who turned out to be an ardent environmentalist. How she scolded the shellfish divers, who, in her opinion, were in the process of extracting the very last giant oysters to…

Krischan and the Moorhens

In 1933, we moved to where we still live today, essentially to the countryside. Today, it’s a pleasant residential area. Back then, it was a godforsaken place, accessible only on foot or, at best, by what was called a bicycle at the time, though often you had to push it the last kilometer. There were…


Green is a fascinating colour. An absolute colour. It cannot be intensified. You cannot say green, greener, greenest. That doesn’t exist. And yet there are a thousand different greens. There are blue, gray, and yellow greens. There are dark and light greens. Yes, there are even sad and happy greens and everything in between. Green…

A Unique Collection Awaits Your Stories

We pride ourselves on offering a distinct perspective on Dover’s history, a tapestry woven from a unique collection of records meticulously gathered by Joyce and Brian Banks. Our website goes beyond mere dates and facts; it delves into the narrative heart of history, bringing the past to life through vivid storytelling and auditory experiences. Share…

Ethan’s Magical Moroccan Adventure

In the vibrant heart of Morocco, where the air buzzed with life and colours seemed to dance, Ethan, along with his Mum Eloise and Dad Adam, found themselves immersed in the charm of the bustling markets. The lanes were alive with vendors showcasing their wares, from beautiful textiles and sparkling jewels to aromatic spices that…

Vestry Minutes from St. Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent.

The “Vestry Minutes from St. Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent” page provides a fascinating glimpse into the historical parish records of St. Mary the Virgin in Dover. These minutes, spanning various dates from the 18th century, reveal the parish’s intricate social and administrative activities. Topics range from the management of the poor and lunatics, such…

Deaths St. Mary’s Workhouse 1801- 1803.

In the early 1800s, the ledger of St. Mary’s Workhouse in Dover chronicled the sombre reality of its inhabitants. This meticulous record paints a vivid picture of life and death within workhouse walls, listing names, ages, causes of death, and the meagre funds allocated for burials. From individuals ‘worn out’ by years of labour to…

St. Mary the Virgin settlement case book.

“St. Mary the Virgin’s Settlement Case Book of 1802 provides a fascinating insight into the legal and social intricacies of early 19th-century Dover. The cases, ranging from parish disputes to individual plights, reflect the complexity of life in Dover at the time. This ledger records detailed accounts of people navigating the challenges of poverty, legal…

St. Mary’s Workhouse Day Book. 1829.

“St. Mary’s Workhouse Day Book of 1829 offers a rare glimpse into the daily workings of a Dover workhouse, revealing the ebb and flow of life within its walls. This ledger meticulously records the arrivals and departures, deaths, and daily expenses, painting a vivid picture of the era’s social dynamics. The entries, ranging from the…