Fatal Fire near Dover.

“Tragedy struck Little Farthingloe Farm, two miles from Dover, with a fire claiming the life of labourer Terry and four horses. The stable’s destruction underlines the ever-present danger our agricultural community faces, reminding us of the relentless battle against nature’s unpredictable fury.” A fire broke out shortly after midnight on Friday night last in the…

Fire on a Channel Boat.

“Last night’s drama unfolded on the Empress, moored in Granville Dock, as fire engulfed the stokers’ room. The bravery of Police Constable Morris, alongside watchmen Lawrence, highlighted Dover’s readiness to face emergencies, even on the unpredictable waters of the Channel.” Last night at 9-25 a fire broke out in the stokers room on board the…

Steamer on Fire.

Yesterday morning the S. S. City of Berlin anchored in Dover Bay close to the Prince of Wales Pier and reported it was on fire and required medical assistance. The City of Berlin of Dublin was from Hamburg to Belfast with general cargo. October 1902.

Fire at St. Margarets.

“A barley stack at the heart of St. Margaret’s village became an unexpected beacon as fire broke out, drawing the Parish Fire Brigade into action. Captain Pay’s leadership and the team’s swift response averted what could have escalated into a severe threat to our rural community.” On Sunday evening soon after 7 o’clock a fire…

Fire at the Iron Foundry.

On Monday evening at 9 o’clock a fire broke out in one of the workshops of Messrs. A. L. Thomas and Son Ltd. Iron Foundry Charlton. Police Constable Cooney received the alarm and found that the fire had originated through the overheating of the blast furnace and some adjoining woodwork catching. Mr. S. Thomas and…

Four Houses Destroyed.

Great Fire at Tower Hamlets. On Tuesday just at noon a most destructive fire broke out at 45 Lowther Road Tower Hamlets causing the entire destruction of the of the interior of four houses and a good deal of damage to five others. Lowther Road is a row of new houses on the site of…

A Bad Start.

At the Dover Police Court on Friday before the Mayor (in the chair) Mr F. G. Wright Mr J. W. Bussey and Mr E. Chitty. William Edward Dobson, 4 Churchill Street a bath-chair attendant was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the High Street. P.C. Baker said that the previous night the defendant was…

A Foolish Theft.

James David Beatty was charged at the Police Court on Monday with stealing one bushel of onions value 4/7 from a cart in the Market Square. James Morris Laslett a market gardener living at Worth said that on Friday he came into Dover market and left his van in the centre of the square. The…

Sent to Gaol.

At Dover Police Court on Friday, Emily Jane Johnson was charged with indecent conduct in Slip Passage on Monday 3rd inst. P.C. Fagg proved the case. Defendant did not appear and the man she was with William Johnson stoker on H.M.S. Argyll was not present, as his ship had left. Defendant admitted a previous conviction…

The Thing Place

My God, what’s going on now? Women can ask nasty questions. What’s wrong? I’m braking! I notice that! But why? Why here so suddenly and so unmotivated? What does unmotivated mean? Why can’t women understand this? Oh, what do women mean here? Nobody can understand this, nobody or only a few. There was an inconspicuous…