
By Beata

John Foy a hoary headed mendicant who had been charged before the Magistrates a week before with begging was brought up by the officer of the Mendacity Society charged with a like offence on the previous day.

It appeared that the prisoner when last before their worships had been let of promising to quit the town. Unfortunately he took the direction of Folkestone and as Dover receives the prisoners from that town he was returned here under the commitment of the Folkestone Magistrates and had just been liberated from a weeks imprisonment when he was found in the Maison Dieu Road pursuing his avocation.

Henry Charles Wellard the society’s officer said his attention had been drawn to the prisoner by persons whom he had annoyed on the previous morning and about 12 o’clock he found him near the Roman Catholic Chapel in Maison Dieu Road begging promiscuously of the passers by.

The Magistrates sent the prisoner to gaol for fourteen days.
