Cat Song

By chantal

In the meadow, I once pranced, a feline quite enhanced, With catnip in my whiskers, life was a merry dance. I’d leap and twirl with such delight, In the moon’s soft, forgiving light.

But oh, woe is me, without my nip I’m blue, Like a fish out of water, or a shoe missing its shoe. I’m a cat in despair, a feline in a fix, Longing for that green, that magical mix.

I remember the buzz, the glorious haze, Through catnip-tinted spectacles, those were the days. Now I mope and I moan, with a twitch in my tail, A ship of a cat, without a sail.

Oh, bring back that herb, that delightful treat, That turned my mundane into wonderfully neat. I’m a cat in withdrawal, a kitty so forlorn, Missing my catnip, feeling all worn.

They say time heals all, even a cat’s craving, But I’m just a whisker away from misbehaving. I dream of fields where that green herb grows, Where I rolled and I frolicked, free from my woes.

But wait, what’s this, a scent on the breeze? A whiff of nirvana, oh, heavens, yes please! I’m a cat reborn, a feline revived, With catnip in my future, I’ll surely thrive.

So here’s to the nip, the cat’s meow, the buzz, A simple plant that does what it does. I’m a cat with a mission, on a nip-seeking trip, Ready for my next catnip-fueled flip.

Turtle Song

In the meadow, under the sun’s bright beam, I, a humble turtle, dreamed a peculiar dream. Munching on mushrooms, oh what a sight, Everything turned rather odd, and incredibly bright.

Oh, the mushrooms, they do things that are quite bizarre, In my shell, I felt I was a shooting star. Gliding through the meadow, no longer slow, In a world where even a turtle can glow.

I saw the cat turn purple, playing its little tune, And the daisies around us started to croon. The sky spun in colors, vivid and wild, Like the imagination of an untamed child.

Those magic mushrooms, oh what a trip, I danced and I twirled, I gave my shell a flip. A slowpoke no more, I was quick as a flash, In a world where reality had made a splash.

But as the sun set, the magic did wane, And I, the turtle, became myself again. Back to the meadow, where life is serene, Yet, I cherish the wonders I’ve seen.

So here’s to the mushrooms, in all their delight, They gave this old turtle a most memorable night. But now I’m content to just bask in the sun, Reflecting on all the fantastical fun.

So when you see a turtle, moving slow and steady, Know that in our minds, we can be wild and ready. For in a turtle’s heart, there’s a dreamer’s soul, And perhaps, a touch of Monty Python’s rock and roll