Destructive Casual

William Harvey was charged with wilfully destroying his clothes at the Dover Union. Arthur Frazer the porter of the Dover Union said the prisoner was admitted to the casual ward on Thursday evening. Upon witness visiting him on the following morning he found that he had destroyed the whole of his clothing. The only reason…

Pitch and Toss

William Robins, Edward Wellard and Herbert Barton three lads charged with playing pitch and toss in Bowling Green lane on Sunday last were admonished and dismissed on paying the costs. Pitch and Toss a game in which coins are pitched at a mark the player getting nearest having the right to toss all the other’s…

Drunk and Disorderly

Benjamin Goodson was charged with being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language in Biggin Street. The Magistrates fined him 2s 6d and 6s costs of in default seven days imprisonment. He went to gaol. 1870.

Stealing Bacon

Mary Pilcher was charged with stealing a piece of bacon to the value 2s 6d from the shop of Mr Rubie of Biggin Street. Police Sergeant Barton said he was sent for on Saturday evening by one of Mr Rubie’s men who told him that every Saturday evening someone was in the habit of stealing…

Assault At The Dover Union

Thomas Kavanagh an inmate of the Dover Union was charged with assaulting William Bowles another inmate. It appeared from Bowles’s evidence that Kavanagh being a Roman Catholic was permitted under the regulations of the guardians to leave the workhouse for the purpose of attending the Catholic Chapel and that it was his practise to change…

Street Brawl

Johan Arhreus and Gustave Hayan a couple of German sailors and William Henry Tregurtha an English seaman were brought up by Police Constable Faith on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct and fighting in Union Street late on Saturday night. Police Constable Faith said that on Saturday night about twenty minutes to 12 o’clock…

Infringement Of Poor Law Regulations

Stephen Wilson an inmate of the Dover Union was charged with neglecting to certain work allotted to him at the Dover Union. Arthur Frazer porter at the Dover Union said the prisoner was an inmate.  He was set to superintend some men who were employed in some work connected with the Union and he left…

Refractory Unfortunate

Kate Murray an unfortunate was brought up in custody of Police Constable Hooper of the Metropolitan Police for having conducted herself in a disorderly manner and broken several panes of glass at the house appointed for the examination of unfortunate woman under the Contagious Diseases Act. It appeared that the defendant after being examined had…

Stealing a Skylark

Thomas Munn a boy  fifteen years of age and belonging to Buckland was charged with stealing a skylark value 15s the property of James West of 1 Brookfield Cottages Buckland. Sarah West wife of James West living at 1 Brookfield Cottages Buckland said she had seen the prisoner before as he had been in the…

Suspicious Possession

John Griffiths a young man of vagrant appearance was charged with having in his possession a large plaid shawl without being able to give a satisfactory account of the same.  It appeared that the prisoner came to the police station and asked for an order for the Union. Police Constable Harman who was at the…