Traveller’s Missing Bag.

By chantal

At the Dover Police Court on Thursday before the Mayor (Mr W. Emden ) and Messrs. Hills and H. F. Edwin. Richard Tewkesbury of no fixed abode was charged on remand with stealing a traveller’s bag valued at 30s the property of Messrs. Faire Bros. Leicester.

The case had twice remanded for the appearance of the firm’s traveller and on the last occasion prisoner was ordered to be kept under observation as to his mental condition.

There was a further charge in the first instant against prisoner of stealing a crab value 1/- from Mrs Dickens Fish Shop in Last Lane.

John Nicholson 23 Melbourne Road Leicester a commercial traveller for Messrs. Faire Bros. Leicester stated that he stayed in the Metropole Hotel on the 11th inst. He left his bag containing laces etc. outside the swing doors about 10 o’clock in the morning. About twenty minutes later the bag was missing. He telephoned the Police respecting the matter. He had to subsequently leave Dover on business.

Detective Southey deposed to seeing the prisoner carry the bag through Last Lane on the 11th inst. When he came on duty at 4 o’clock the same day he saw in the information book that a bag had been stolen from the Hotel Metropole. In the company of P.C. Fox he searched the prisoner and found him in the kitchen of 42, Adrian Street. The bag was open on the floor beside him. Witness brought the prisoner to the station and charged him. Prisoner handed to P.C. Fox some bootlaces from out of his pocket. Prisoner pleaded guilty.

The prisoners sister was called forward and she said she was willing to take him back to Hove. The Mayor said he could not send the man away without the Doctor had seen him. He would be remanded for one week and then sent back to Hove.
