Stealing a Skylark

By Beata

Thomas Munn a boy  fifteen years of age and belonging to Buckland was charged with stealing a skylark value 15s the property of James West of 1 Brookfield Cottages Buckland. Sarah West wife of James West living at 1 Brookfield Cottages Buckland said she had seen the prisoner before as he had been in the habit of coming to the house with greengrocery though she never dealt with him but once.  She had a skylark and on quitting her house on the previous morning she left it safe in the cage which was hanging outside the house out of reach. Anyone to get to it must have got upon the windowsill.  She returned to the house about five and the bird was then gone from the cage, the cage being left empty in the garden lying on the ground. The value of the bird was 15s but it was a pet bird and she would not have parted with it for any money.

Robert Licence son of Mr R. Licence of the Marine Library; I was near the Brookfield Cottages Buckland yesterday about a quarter past twelve. I saw the prisoner near the corner of the cottages. He had a barrow and I saw him put a bird in a basket and cover another basket over it.

By the prisoner there was only one boy standing near the barrow when I saw the bird put into the basket and that was you.    

On the application of the police the prisoner was remanded till Friday in order to permit of the bird being traced.
