Drunk in Charge.

By chantal

At Dover Police Court on Wednesday Richard Beecham was charged with being drunk while in charge of a pony and cart in Bridge Street. P.C. Cadman gave evidence to the effect that about 9.35 the previous evening he was in Bridge Street when he saw a pony and cart outside the Town Arms unattended. On going into the house witness saw Beecham in the bar with another man. The latter said the cart belonged to him and got into it, as he was about to start away Beecham came out saying “ that’s my cart.”

He got up onto the cart and took the reins from the other man. Witness took hold of the pony’s head and told Beecham he was in an unfit condition to drive so he handed the reins to the other man and said “ you drive the pony then.” This man was also under the influence of drink so witness would not allow him to drive away. Witness sent for assistance and Beecham was taken to the Police Station.

Prisoner admitted he had “ had a glass or two ” but contended he could drive a pony and cart all right. He could prove he was not drunk.

Chief Constable Fox said that P.C. Baker who assisted Cadman had to attend a Court-Martial that morning and was not yet back.

The landlord of the Town Arms was of the opinion that prisoner was only “a little excited. ” Detective Fox deposed of being at the Police Station when prisoner was brought in.

He was under the influence of drink and staggered about. In witness opinion he was not in a fit condition to take charge of a pony and trap. Chief Constable Fox stated prisoner had been before the court on several occasions.

Fined 30s including costs
